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Bringing inclusive, diverse, and equitable transitions

and policies into fruition.

to About

We can help you:


  • Lead strategic transformation

  • Connect with the people that matter

  • Understand all angles of the electric system: local, regional, state, and federal; distribution and transmission, planning and operations

  • Use a lens of equality for diverse energy needs

  • Promote sustainable environment planning



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Energy & Environment

Keeping the lights on with energy grid expertise and a deep understanding of regulations, industry companies, agencies, organizations, and policy making.

Energy & Enviornment

Use our expert knowledge of the electric industry.

Take advantage of our experience when it comes to the electric industry and relationships between utilities, reliability organizations, federal and state government agencies, non-profits, advocates, and other stakeholder groups.



We bring a deep understanding of challenges facing the U.S. electricity sector in reducing carbon emissions, building renewable energy, creating markets, and implementing a clean energy vision.


Partner with us and get the help you need with:


  • Sustainability advisory services and advocacy

  • Energy platforms, smart infrastructure grids and clean energy resources

  • Participating in regulatory proceedings 

  • Economic development and green fair wage jobs

  • Market and energy policy creation and implementation

  • Interpreting real-time grid operations and transmission planning

  • Expert testimony 


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Just & Equitable Transition
People Walking

Just & Equitable Transition

Equity is part of the solution. We build partnerships between policy makers, industry players, and impacted communities.

Equity is at the forefront of every transaction.

​A just and equitable transition approach looks different in each specific situation. There’s no one size fits all solution. 



When you partner with us, you’ll be  connected with the people and tools to negotiate effectively with policy makers, community voices, lobbyists, non-profits, agencies and more. We make sure that justice and equitability  are always part of the solution. 



Come to us when you need help:

  • Connecting policy makers with minority advocates

  • Prioritizing community rights, and creating policy in an equitable manner, taking every perspective into consideration

  • Ensuring workers are given access to skills training and reemployment opportunities

  • Working with local leaders to make their community more resilient

  • Providing local leaders more access to leadership and economic tools

  • ​Implementing green finance mechanisms 


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Leadership Connections
Women Holding Hands

Leadership Connections 

Building bridges, uplifting voices, and connecting different perspectives and ideas for positive transformation. We solve the impossible - just read about our experience.

Bridge-Building Expertise


Get the introductions and partnerships you need to be heard. When you partner with JASenergies, you can take advantage of our connections with state, local, and federal officials (and even a few international ones). Our passion is using our connections for good—uplifting people who are having a hard time being recognized in the industry, and creating partnerships that lead to positive change.


We are able to have the difficult conversations because people trust us. 


They know we understand the complexities of the electric system and the complex nature of diverse policies. We create trusted spaces to work through intentional and unintentional nuances to find solutions that work. 


Transformative connectivity.


We believe firmly that fresh thoughts, diverse ideas, and new perspectives are necessary to keep the industry invigorated and equitable. Plus, it’s just good business. Community-building is critical to the success of any company, partnership, or transaction. 


Networking and mentoring.


Learn about our numerous opportunities to connect, network, learn, and come together to address the various challenges facing energy and environmental sectors. From brown bag lunches to inspirational webinars, our events bring together people from every background and perspective.


Supporting other voices.

Check out these organizations and reports:

Association of Women in Water, Energy and Environment

Andi Leadership Institute for Young Women

Just Transition Fund


Women in Energy

Women of Renewable Industries and Sustainable Energies

Women's Council on the Energy and Environment 



Julia Souder Prochnik, Founder


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