About Us
Two decades of energy experience.
JASenergies CEO and Founder, Julia Prochnik brings twenty years of energy experience and bridge-building to the table.
As the Executive Director of the Long Duration Energy Storage Association of California (LDESAC), Julia promotes the education and outreach of emerging and existing long duration enegrgy storage and its importance to grid reliability and meeting climate goals.
As Founder and President of JASenergies, Julia helps clients meet diverse needs. Either sharing her decades of transmission planning and grid experience, building unique coalitions or providng stragtegic insight and creative solutions...
As a Director at the The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Julia focused on market and energy policy creation and implementation, while interpreting real-time grid operations and transmission planning.
As Project Developer at Clean Line Energy Partners, Julia managed the Centennial West Clean Line high-voltage direct current transmission line planned to cover four western states.
As the Director of Intergovernmental Relations for the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), Julia promoted effective coordination and positive relations between NERC and FERC, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and many other federal and state entities. While there, she also translated technical standards into policies, wrote cyber security language, and launched the Washington D.C. office.
At the U.S. DOE Julia was the Western Regional Coordinator for the Office of Electricity and Energy Delivery, and the project manager for Section 368 of the 2005 Energy Policy Act. As a Presidential Management Fellow, Julia worked at DOE in national policy creation, assisted with the 2003 blackout investigation, and negotiated inter-agency agreements.
At the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR), Julia was responsible for setting up the US-Panama trade conference in Washington D.C., working on logistics and trade material for negotiation.